sea monkeys
sea monkeys : )
time. will disolve; if sea monkies are present sea monkeys will hatch and reproduce : ) he said to the little girl/ sea monkeys are brine shrimp. the too,th fairy is your mom . :: paula abdul is a sea monkey !! they found the littl,e girls skin under his yellow cigarrette ; stained fingernails. once the littl*e girl went to tower records™ & saw some recor.ds displayed: the records were prince,s batman. instantly the litt{e girl associated any r^aw albums or cds with paula abdul! she said (song change) i'm not using my body now. so you can play with it if you want to , aaaaaaaa i sigted .. not so much lethargic! as so much uninterested/ yeah so like entering an inter.course of events well i notic.ed her face was melting and if you put yourself in my shoooeees what could i!!! say!!!!!
song.s : she said by scratch acid / sea monkeys by kurt cobain !